

bucks, they make or break the herd

 Talk about influential bucks! Two Face has had the single most improvement to our herd! His daughters appraise well, milk well, and show well! We have two daughters in our herd that are 92 EEEE, and a ff that is 89 VVEE!


Two Face's dam SGCH 8*M Redwood Hills Real Tiramisu

Pictures courtesy of Redwood Hills.

5 straws from Two Face have been consigned to the Herd Builder Sale. Shipping is available at buyers expense. Follow this link for more information!

Qibli's sire is on the young sire development program, and appraised EX 90 as a 2 year old. We can't wait to see his daughters freshen! Semen available! 


Rocky's dam was 2nd place/ 1st udder yearling at the 2019 ADGA National show! We are excited to have him in our herd, and can't wait to see his daughters freshen! Semen available! 
